End of the 2nd Quarter

   Students have done a good job learning to locate materials in the Library and use the laptops. Searching takes time, but they love discovering great books to read. They are learning to identify the information found in a search result and locate that information on the books themselves. This skill relates to creating a bibliography when doing research. They are also busy taking Accelerated Reader quizzes and seem to be enjoying their books. We hope to continue reading Third Grade Angels by Jerry Spinelli as time allows.


     The 3rd graders look forward to being in the "big library." They are here at last! Although many things are the same--there is a lot that is new. This month they will be exploring the different areas and hopefully discovering some great books along the way. 

     Also new to them this year is participating in the Accelerated Reader program. It takes a week or two to get them tested for their reading levels and to learn how the program works. There are some Help Documents on my Home Page to assist with questions you may have and the necessary links are there as well. Please feel free to contact me if you need help.  Enjoy your reading and good luck on your quizzes!